Brow Chakra

Brow Chakra: Center of Insight, Intuition, Imagery and Dreams


The brow chakra is often referred to as the third eye. It is located in the space between and a bit above the eyes. This center is the last place where the three major energy channels — the right, left, and middle (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna) — come together. The right and left channels terminate here while the central channel continues on to the crown chakra, the energy center of higher awareness.

The brow center does not open more than 50% until the age of 30-40.

Physically the brow chakra governs the pineal gland, brain, neurological system, pituitary gland, eyes, ears, nose, and the base of the skull.  The brow chakra is the domain of physical sight, mystical awareness, intelligence, insight, and wisdom.

The brow center can be thought of as command central for the five senses and the conscious and subconscious mind. It also regulates the other chakras and their energy channels.

The brow chakra’s element is commonly reported to be light, although it has also been suggested that there is no element linked to the brow and that the mind itself is the element here. Since we often equate light as being the quality of mind that brings clarity, it may be that there is no real discrepancy between these two views. In any case, the mind has a great deal of influence over our senses and vital energy.

Functions associated with the brow chakra include meditation, intuition, inspiration, insight, clairvoyance, telepathy, conscious creation via will and imagination, and healing through mental projection.

The brow chakra and its relationship to intuition and clairvoyance are fairly well known. Many of us seek to increase our abilities here without truly understanding the concept of balance in flow of energy both within a chakra and within the system as a whole. Consequently, problems can arise as we work on opening up to the higher energies of intuition.

This chakra needs the balance, support, and stability of the lower chakra energies. Without such support we may experience obsessive fantasies, delusions, or hallucinations. Dreams, images, or memory can be split off from our conscious experience and therefore not available to help us learn and grow.

A healthy brow chakra encourages health of the lower chakras. When this chakra is in balance, our worldview is one that is open and accepting without critical judgment. There is a firm grasp of present moment awareness of the world within the framework of the five senses that allows free movement beyond everyday consciousness into the realm of intuition and psychic experience