
How is Authenticity Reflected in Your Aura?

Authenticity, Integrity, Wholeness and Your Aura 
Authenticity lies beneath all the conditioned beliefs and mistaken identities that we have come to assume as normal…as who we are. When we are honest, in our own integrity (wholeness– the truth of our being–owning all our parts and holding it all spaciously not in attempted perfection) our auras beautifully reflect that. When we are out of integrity, not honestly in touch with and expressing our true nature….our aura reflects that as well.

Sensing and managing  our own energy creates ease of being supporting all facets of our lives in coherent flow. 

The Energy Field Reflects the Authenticity of Our Feeling Nature
Recently I presented a chakra workshop and had an experience that I would like to share with you as it is one example that illustrates the importance and value of understanding our personal energy and having the tools to be able to manage our energy effectively.

I use an Aura Imaging biofeedback system that shows people their energy in real time. A benefit of this is that you can see the effect of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, environmental triggers and other people on your energy. One of the demonstrations I routinely do in workshops is to have someone on the biofeedback and show the effect of moving in and out of “negative” and “positive” emotional states on our energy and then discuss the effects of that on health, well being, how we feel, our perspective and also on the ripple effect out into the universe and how that affects how our life gets created.

In this particular case the woman who volunteered for the exercise had a beautiful aura that was basically healthy and balanced. She had no trouble focusing on a pleasant situation that made her feel good and had the effect of brightening and strengthening her already beautiful aura. When she focused on something that was a difficulty in her life her energy instantly collapsed. Not an unusual occurrence–it is something that happens to all of us pretty frequently. This compromises our health and functioning on all levels if we do not have a means of processing and rebalancing.

Authenticity Requires Our Participation
My next step in this demo is to show the effect of shifting back to a positive state using some easy simple approaches. Unfortunately this did not work for her… she could not shift from the difficult emotional state that she conjured up through the simple fairly quick approaches. When questioned as to whether this was a pattern for her, getting into a negative state and having difficulty coming out of it, she stated it was. We were scheduled to do the Balancing Your Chakras technique next in the workshop ( you can see a description of this here: She agreed to revisit the biofeedback after that experience. Once we did that technique her original beautiful aura was back and she reported feeling free of the negative emotions. Note: this guided meditiaotn through the chakras focuses on color, light and sound to rebalance energy, it does not address emotions per se.

Authenticity Reside in Our Core Beneath Thoughts and Emotions
So, why is this important? It clearly demonstrates the effect of our mind and emotions on our energy, but even more so it shows our habitual patterns and how they can be immovable through common approaches to them. Most importantly it shows the effect of directly addressing the energy and how it shifts our feeling states even though the negative problem out in the world has not changed. Then our energy can return to a more natural free flow which is not only healthier, but also leaves our energy and resultant consciousness available for bringing constructive responses to our life challenges.

Manage your energy, manage your life!

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