
Anger: What You Need to Know About to Reduce Personal Harm

Anger in all its forms seems to be rampant on our planet currently. While there may be many reasons and justifications, it is important to manage it well so it does not create harm within your body, mind and spirit.

Have you ever felt that red hot angry energy that builds up in you and creates the sense that you may explode at any moment? Or how about that seething inner burn that feels like it is frying your nerve endings? Or maybe emotional outbursts or frustrated crying jags are more your preferred style. All of the aforementioned expressions are very human but they are also very toxic to our minds, bodies and spirits if left unattended.

Toxic anger in all its forms blocks and drains energy which affects our health.

We all pretty much know what different kinds of anger feel like, but we often don’t think about or realize that there are very definite and possibly long term serious effects on our bodies and minds—never mind on our relationships and lives!

So like with so many other stressful symptoms, we simply endure and wait for time to pass which gives us the illusion that we have released and/or are “over it”. What in fact generally happens is that the emotion has been granted the favor of time for it to sink down into the recesses of our minds and bodies –only to come out and play another day or to wear away at our health, temperament and maybe even relationships.

An Emotional Continuum
Imagine a continuum with toxic anger’ on the negative end and healthy anger’ on the positive end. Examples of toxic anger are perhaps most often seen in newspaper headlines reporting events that result when people or countries maintain worldviews of hatred and negativity.
Further along on the continuum is a less volatile type of anger that is characterized by injustice collection. The predictable companions of this form of anger are resentment and bitterness. Another mode of anger, usually accompanied by profound silence, is the type that is turned inward and out of awareness forms a core of self loathing and hatred.

For some people anger and its accompanying chemistry become addictive. However, anger does not have to develop into an extreme toxic, addictive or permanent state. Anger is something we all experience. We can learn from this powerful emotion as well as adopt new methods of processing and releasing it.

Awareness: Red Flags
Nervous system imbalances, hormonal disruptions and stress related biochemistry can be involved in both the origin and maintenance of anger. Red flags for these situations are: compulsive features, too much intensity for the situation at hand, and out of control qualities.

Psychological and cognitive understanding alone do little if anything to release a person from this kind of turmoil. The physical reactions/states must be addressed along with deeper insight and new learning to manage anger in a healthy and balanced way.

Our recorded programs Relaxation 101 and Letting Go: The Heart of Healing are both helpful in releasing old patterns of anger, establishing a stronger emotional foundation of peace and calm, as well as in integrating new healthier ways of managing intense energies. To learn more go to