self talk

What are the Effects of Self Talk?

Self talk, what you are saying to yourself day in and day out in your mind , has a profound effect on your self esteem, personal interactions, ability to feel happiness not to mention your health.  Is your self talk kind, thoughtful, helpful? Does it contribute toward strength and confidence to get you where you say you want your life to go?

For many of us our inner conversation is quite unconscious and not so very kind. Thoughts, words and feelings carry energy and help shape our lives and world. We can turn up the volume and be aware of what is happening inside.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”
Rudyard Kipling

We can become our own detective and bring a curious mind to the conversation going on in our heads. Exploring our self talk non-judgmentally helps put us on a path toward improved self esteem, health, personal power and expanded consciousness.

Beginning to explore self talk
We begin with a willingness to observe ourselves. This may be difficult at first if we are overly identified with our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations (most of us are!).

A meditation practice can be particularly helpful as it helps to make a distinction between mental, emotional and physical energies. We can simply start to notice how we describe our experiences– the words and phrase we use to express how we feel.

For instance, do you ever find yourself saying or feeling any of the following?

  1. I feel like I am always running to catch up. (With yourself, life, others)
  2. I feel drained, empty, depleted, like I am out of gas.
  3. I feel so stressed, burned out.
  4. I am beside myself. (In general, or with a feeling E.G. fear, anger, jealousy)
  5. I feel so scattered, fragmented, all over the place.
  6. I feel so overwhelmed.
  7. My heart is breaking; is broken.
  8. I feel knifed in the back; sucker punched.

Our words may be describing how we feel and that is useful to plan for better outcomes but if done in a repetitive loop or in an unconscious way then we just stay stuck in old energetic patterns.

Unconsciousness keeps us locked into loops of negative self talk.

Everything we experience has an energetic reality. If we look at things from this perspective, we have more options for clearing our issues and resolution. Not only that but energetic methods go to the source, the bottom line beyond our words,  stories and confusion and so tend to be more targeted, effective and permanent.

Next post: How is energy connected to experience? An Energetic Perspective Leads to Solutions

Funny synchronicity: As I was working on this post that old song “Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative” came on ! 🙂