An Energetic Perspective Leads to Solutions. How is energy connected to experience?

In the last post I spoke about the effects of negative self talk and that focusing on our energy takes us out of our storyline to a place where we have more effective options shifting to a more positive, empowering state.

Knowing how energy is connected to our experience can help to motivate and identify what we can do to move toward positive solutions.

Here are a few examples of how energy is connected to experience:

  • Our energy fields can be projected way out ahead of us making us feel like we have to catch up with it. Our energy belongs inside us where it can perfuse our physical bodies, inform our feelings and help us think clearly. When our energy is habitually projected outward, blocked by old repetitive, unresolved feelings and beliefs or not aligned in strong, healthy ways, we are more susceptible to illness as well as difficulties in other aspects of our lives.
  • Learning how to ground, and center our energy keeps us from throwing it forward as well as helping us to feel safe and stable.
  • When our energy supplies are low we feel drained, depleted, like we have no fuel to go on. We are more prone to “seeing through a glass darkly” and thus to negative self talk when our energy is low.
    The solution is to learn how to build, replenish and maintain energy. We must look to where and how our energy is leached out of us and make corrections to stop the drain. This is important beyond simple awareness about patterns. Energy is our basic life force and underlies our mental, emotional and physical health.
  • Being scattered is exactly that. We are sending your energy in so many directions that it is not within– the result is we are not able to think, feel or perform at our best.
  • Everything is energy including thoughts, words, deeds and intentions. If someone speaks harshly or abusively, you feel it. Think about a time when you felt that someone had slung an arrow of insult toward you, or put you down or gave you a mixed message. You have an experience of that energetically–you feel it. We hurt when harshness is sent our way. When we get mixed messages we feel confused or frustrated. In the latter case we feel the disconnect between the intent and words. This makes it difficult to understand, be clear or respond in an honest way. Instead of flowing our energy, it goes into stop and we feel frustrated, stuck and bound up. Once again, grounding and centering are the solution.
  • Working at an energetic level moves us beyond words and self talk to the source of our trouble—scattered, depleted stores of vitality, discordant energy, and lack of inner  resources. It helps to repair and heal us from the inside out with more grace and elegance than our poor beleaguered ego mind can ever accomplish!
  • In a very deep way going to the level of energy is sourcing consciousness itself. In this way we engage our higher level capacities to not only clean our inner closets, but also to connect and open up a space to live from that holds more love, freedom, ease, and inner peace even in the midst of challenges.
  • Developing a simple practice of centering and grounding coupled with knowledge of how to flow your energy can go a  long way to help eliminate negative self talk as well as serving to add vitality and keep you safe from negativity from others.