Our energy is our power
When we give our power away we are mismanaging our energy
Where attention goes—energy flows
Proper attention & intention improves quality, quantity and coherence of subtle energy
Where we place our energy determines the quality of our life
Giving power away includes:
Allowing others to control us, or attempting to control them
Not forgiving
Holding onto anger, resentment, guilt, shame
Focusing more on others needs and sacrificing own
A great deal of energy can be locked up in the unconscious or in unhealed (incomplete) issues from the past. The result is that this energy is effectively not in present time and so not available to be directed toward the pursuit of greater health , wealth and happiness.
Being able to deeply relax the body and quiet the mind is a first step toward being able to efficiently release stress and develop the ability to effectively sense and manage energy.
Our recording Relaxation 101 can help!
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