Focus and concentration are improved through positive lifestyle habits and coherent subtle energy flow. The lifestyle habits support a healthy energy flow. A healthy energy flow allows for the abilities of focus and concentration to grow. So we can use healthy habits of daily living to stabilize our energy that will in turn affect our ability to focus.
Energy flows where our attention goes….and scattered mental energy impacts our emotional energy that wears away at our physical energy. Because this all happens in an internal invisible realm it is easy to think there are no consequences, but there are!
Here are some ways to begin to train your attention and reclaim your precious energy for attending to what you do want in life.
1. The obvious: get adequate sleep, eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Avoid alcohol or other mind altering substances….they weaken your energy and make it difficult to engage in more positive approaches.
2. Take Omega 3 fatty acids and a good B complex vitamin in addition to a high quality multivitamin..
3. Reduce the distractibility factor in your life. Each person must define for themselves what constitutes a distraction as we are all different.What factors distract you from what is really important and how can you eliminate or modify them?
4. Balance novelty and structure in your day/week/month. Too much novelty can overstimulate, overwhelm and confuse. Too much structure creates boredom, constriction and apathy.
5. Organize—but only good enough not obsessively!
6. Do as much of what you want to do as possible. engagement, being present and performing well increases motivation. It is easier to be engaged with things we like and we can use this to build that muscle of being present in the now and thereby eliminating the mental brain drain. The skill that you are building with being present and fully immersing yourself in a task can be brought to things that you like less.
7. Build variety into your day as much as you can—it keeps your mind sharp and improves being present and mindful.
8. Vary tasks. Varying your tasks can keep your mind fresh.
9. Don’t expect your attention to last forever. Replenish your attention with breath breaks, changes in approaches or tasks or a simple stretch or walk.
10. Shift out of negative states ASAP. Once you realize your energy has been hijacked engage in a process that gets it back on track. It may be as simple as doing a cognitive task to divert the energy that your emotional brain has monopolized, or you may need to stop and practice a technique that allows you to release the emotion. At other times you may need to talk it over with someone or recognize what need is driving the negativity. Be kind to yourself!
11. Actively promote laughter, gratitude, joy and happiness in your life. At first you may have to make it a homework assignment but it will become self regulating as your physiology gets with the program.
12. Play! Spend some time doing puzzles or games that build attention. Learn something new–the brain develops in response to learning.
There are twelve suggestions here but you need not try to do them all. Choose one or two of these steps to integrate at a time. As you become successful with those you can add others.
Click here to learn more about specific programs to help with stabilizing your energy:
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