energy healing

12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery now available download/Reduced Rate!

12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery combines timeless philosophy,
quantum theory and neuroscience to provide you with a comprehensive approach to energy and mind mastery skills. These skills provide you
with effective ways to manage stress, rise to challenges from strength and create greater ease, peace and fulfillment.  Each session highlights a
specific concept and explores how it applies to life and gives you the
means to personalize the material. You will learn how to connect with
new energies and step into the awesome power of your whole self, tap
into your intuition, release old outmoded ways of being and create a life you love to live. 
At the end of each session there is Summary sheet, a list of how to integrate the session’s principles and workbook pages to help you personalize and put the principles into action.

Chapter Outline
Session 1: The Keys to Your Kingdom:
A. Law of Attraction
B. Understanding Successful Affirmations
C. Physics and Conscious Creation
D. Beliefs, Feelings and Personal Energy

Session 2: Opening the Gate
A.Overview Interaction of Energy, Self-knowledge, Self-Awareness
B. Function of three aspects of mind
C. Identifying types of energy

Session 3: Entering the Inner Realm
A. Understanding subtle energy
B. How to know when you are experiencing subtle energy
C. Anatomy of the subtle energy system
C. How chakras and meridians influence well-being

Session 4: IDEALS: Containers of Joy, Passion and Love
A.Human energy, chakras and life experience
B. Discussion of each chakra, properties and function
C. Relationship of chakras, feng shui and environmental energies

Session 5: Language of the Interior
A. Pitfalls on the journey
B. Willingness, will and power
C. Effective Intentions
D. Affirming true desire; shifting states with pivoting

Session 6: Transcending Obstacles
A. Exploration of magnetic properties of thought
B. Script for Emotional Freedom and Healing Release
C. EFT TechniqueSession 7: Engaging the Flow
A. Harmonizing personal and universal energy
B. Centering in Your Heart
C. Developing your Observer Self
D. Recent research into nervous system in the heart

Session 8: Applying Alchemy
A. Turning concepts into reality
B. Impact of thought and emotion
C. Understanding surrender and acceptance
D. Letting go of regret; suspending judgement

Session 9: Personal Magic
A. Turbo Charge your creative power
B. Gratitude and power of attraction
C. Principles of co-creation

 Session 10: Law of Sevens
A. The creative cycle
B. Life cycles
C. Creative cycle and flow 

Session 11: Power vs. Force
A. Developing personal power
B. Energy and frequency

Session 12: Step Forward. You’re in Charge!
A. Mapping consciousness
B. Identifying purpose
C. Belief, concentration, focus and desire
D. Discovering soul qualities
E. Your strategic plan for action
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