I used to hate winter but then one year I realized there was a certain beauty to it and a gift to be had in its slower pace and the soft invitation to slowing down and entering silence.Shifting my perspective, moving past all my objections to the cold and dark, made all the difference in how I experience this season.
It is interesting to me that this year more than any other I am hearing from people that they are looking forward to the quieter time that arrives post holiday. More people than ever seem to be putting away the holiday decorations early and expressing positive anticipation to a time of more quiet.
Nature and Flow
The natural world has much to teach us about flowing with cycles and changes how to be patient and go with the flow rather than fight what is. If you allow it, winter’s journey can be a kind of spinning inward, a letting go of resistance to all that you find harsh, cold and unyielding. Within the short and cold days of winter, there is a lot of magic and beauty if seen through new eyes. It can be a time of quiet reflection, a time to learn how to turn your attention inward. When you do this, the possibility opens to learning how to become friends with a slower, quieter, less active pace. You can welcome the respite from the over-activity of our modern digital life, the holidays, and warmer seasons. By slowing down and going inward, you may discover that solutions come to you more easily. You may also discover that you can get more done in less time. You may discover that you like the new pace and improved balance! Best of all you may discover deeper aspects of yourself that lend more life enhancing energy to your world!
Unwinding Stress and Clearing the Mind
When we allow time to simply BE in the silence, stressful energy can unwind, our minds can clear and become more restful allowing for consciousness to deepen, broaden and ripen. Learning how to simply be present with what is in the moment helps us rejuvenate our energy and learn from the inside out how to flow more gracefully with life.
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