Stress Reduction: 6 Skills that Promote Inner Peace, Heath and Happiness

pace15Generally we have all forgotten how to take in energy in healthy ways. Our modern way of life necessitates a different kind of living from our ancestors who were more clearly in touch with the environment and natural means of taking in and building energy albeit unconsciously. Not realizing or understanding this we seek other ways to get energy and they are not always the best choices. We can use food, substances, shopping, gambling, sex, and the interactions with each other to try to replenish our stores. Since energy seeks its own level, it can be borrowed in but not indefinitely. It must be paid back. In this case it does not work to try to keep what is not yours. If you borrow, you will drop back to own level unless you do your work. A good example of this is attending a motivational presentation/seminar, leave all charged up only to crash soon after. Another is lottery winners who end up back where they started soon after their good fortune. Everything is energy including our thoughts, feelings, beliefs/values. If we have not done the inner work necessary to be able to “hold” a higher vibration, no matter how intense our desire we will revert back until we have created a solid internal core state that includes the ability to match and maintain the stability of our desire in our lives.

We can be inspired and taught by others and by their life lessons, but ultimately we must do the work ourselves to build energy, attain and live from a higher level of consciousness.

Spiritual growth follows energetic rules. We need to use health discipline your mind to strengthen our energy, not weaken it.

We must use methods that raise our own energy and learn to maintain it at higher level. Knowing how to center, ground and have good boundaries–that is knowing how to stay inside your own energy and keep it clear and flowing, are the basic building blocks. We also need to be conscious of making choices that build strong healthy energy rather than unconsciously deplete it.

Our ability to manage our energy, to transform and to create exists in the unseen world of energy and spirit. This invisible world is accessed and experienced through our imagination, senses and feelings. We have been given the keys to this kingdom repeatedly throughout history by many philosophers, spiritual teachers and ordinary people who had traveled the path successfully. We have only to develop the means to integrate them into our lives in a steady and reliable way. This is not arduous, rather it is learning a new way of understanding, adopting some new skills and making them our way of being.

Our innate skills for energy transformation are brought to life and enhanced through:
Cultivating positive expectations
Acceptance of what is in the present
Learning to sense and manage personal energy
Commitment to the process of expanding awareness
Developing mental discipline-concentration and focus
Developing conscious awareness and learning to trust this natural capacity

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