throat chakra

Throat Chakra: Communication, Pure Consciousness, Listening and Choice

The element of the throat chakra is akasha which means ether or limitless space or sky.

Every chakra contains this element, but in combination with the other elements that are embodied within them. The throat chakra is pure ether and thus it is more clearly linked to pure consciousness.

The color associated with the throat center is blue.

The sense related to the throat chakra is hearing.

Positive and Negative Expression
Opening your throat chakra means not only expressing yourself clearly but also hearing others and developing empathy; it also involves listening to yourself through attuning to your heart in silence. In doing so, you realize that silence can hold a great deal of information, wisdom and guidance. On the negative side commands to be silent can contribute to blockages in the throat.

A healthy, open and balanced throat chakra allows you to feel free to express your authentic nature, your thoughts, feelings and beliefs; your creativity flows; your appropriate emotions can be communicated freely without undue fear of others’ opinions or reactions.

With a block in the throat you may not honestly articulate your truth or you may do so in a halfhearted way. You also may have a tendency to put up a brave front and not speak about your inner hurt, pain or turmoil. Obviously this stymies communication at the same time that it weakens your capacity to stand for yourself and your ideals so that you live more clearly from your authentic self and realize your dreams.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the tendency to talk too much and draining this vital energy. Negative habits such as gossiping are a sign of this —actually obsessive behavior of any kind can be a sign of the inability to assimilate energy and communicate in healthy ways. In this as in any other chakra we get caught in our defenses and reactivity rather than dropping down to deeper levels where the real knowing that would free us resides.

Advantages of a Balanced Throat Chakra
Stimulating the throat chakra can help increase the richness and tone of your voice.

It endows skills in language, the ability to write, as well as with the capacity to understand messages in dreams and to be an effective teacher.

Jupiter is the planet that rules this chakra. In India Jupiter represents the Spiritual Teacher.

Meditating on this chakra can bring deep insight into the past, present and future along with the capacity to communicate that wisdom.

Working with the throat chakra helps to transcend fear and transmute lower emotions to unconditional joy. Strong, healthy energy in the fifth chakra contributes to the ability to hold awareness of both the subtle & the material worlds.




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