It is not unusual for us to lose our resolve after we have set an intention or New Year’s Resolution. How are you doing so far with your intentions/resolutions? Are you still motivated?
Motivation is a major factor in not only setting a goal or intention but also in sustaining forward movement toward those goals.
What really drives motivation?
It is fundamentally a matter of energy. When we have passion and desire for a goal or task we tap into a stream of energy that feels motivating. We come into alignment with it.
What limits our motivation? What derails us? What gets us off track?
You didn’t want to do it in the first place.
The goal was someone else’s for you.
It’s your goal but you didn’t really believe it could happen.
You didn’t believe you had what it takes to succeed with your goal.
It feels scary to achieve your goal.
Someone else would be disturbed in some way if you achieved your goal.
There’s fear about how things would change if you reached your goal.
What can you do to remain/regain motivation…
Go back to the start and make sure the goal is really yours.
Honestly, do you really want to put in the time and effort—is this really a priority with you?
Is this the right time for you to tackle this goal?
What kind of support network needs to be in place for you –to help you?
Where do you harbor doubts about the goal?
What kinds of inner images do you have re: this goal? How does it all feel?
Next Post:
8 Effective Approaches to Reboot Your Motivation for New Year’s Resolutions
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