We have the power to place our attention where we desire.
In the previous post the speaker noted that we have a tremendous power to place our attention where we wish….and yet how often do we exercise this power?
The energy of thought is very prone to outside influences or our own preoccupation with past of future that tend to fracture and scatter the power of this stream of energy. However we have all had the experience of being so focused and intent on a task or goal that our thought becomes steady, laser like. Rather than allow this to be a serendipitous occurrence we can choose to practice retraining this aspect of mind to work for us.
Here are some reminders that I find helpful to reign in my mental messes!
Where does my attention routinely go?
How many of my thoughts and feelings (the power of psychic energy) were placed today on that which brings happiness, ease and joy?
How will I attend to this great inner power tomorrow?
Moment to moment allow yourself to softly fall into gentler states of mind. Mind mastery grows with each choice to quietly step into a stream of higher awareness.
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