The Energy Booster and Ultimate Stress Reducer?

[singlepic id=116 w=320 h=240 float=left]Birth, Life, Living, Illness, Death–all mysteries when you get right down to it. Our beliefs may serve to cushion us from our fear, but they may also inhibit a direct experience of our highest essence that can emerge when we become openly available to life and living.

What would it be like to dwell in the mystery of life and living rather than beliefs? What would change? What would stay the same?

What if we befriended life… and nurtured a trust in life? What impact would that have…what would shift? What would remain?

Is not befriending and trusting life an open invitation for our spiritual essence to take up greater resonance within us?

One thing I do know is that in such an open and free “posture” energy would flow freely without our usual resistance thus impacting all areas of our being in a positive manner.

These are potentially life changing questions…ones I am pondering recently–I would love to hear your responses…opinions, experiences!

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