The Dance of Chakras,Energy and Memory

Generally we all know that our memories travel with us on our journey through life. We have not known exactly how or where those memories are stored, but we do know that they are present’ with us.

Our memories may be momentarily forgotten, or they may haunt us. They may at times come crashing into our awareness like an uninvited guest! Or they may at other times come drifting sweetly in to remind us of times spent in peace, beauty, joy and love. And of course they can emerge from our depths to instruct and inform us of unfinished business or teach us a valuable truth we need to grasp.

Many healthcare practitioners from a variety of disciplines have observed memory being triggered as a result of stimulation of the body. They have also reported the opposite occurrence where the memory creates a change in the body. But again, the knowledge of how this was taking place has not been ours to know until fairly recently.

In research from a variety of sources there has been a progression in the understanding of how memory becomes imprinted from mind to body from a simple biochemical one to one that involves a variety of mechanisms but essentially begins with our energy system.

Enter Mind-Body Medicine
The field of Pyscho-neuro-immunology provides an understanding of the process from a neurological and biochemical perspective. Candace Pert (author of Molecules of Emotion) has stated that your body is your subconscious mind. She has also pointed out that once you look at human function at the level of the messenger molecules, there is nowhere else to go but to an understanding of energy. In an audiotape presentation of her work it is stated that, “Dr. Pert’s work is beginning to reveal the scientific underpinnings of the chakra system.” The theory (and ancient esoteric teaching) is that our subtle energy body is  the vehicle for retention of memory/life experience.

Dr. Valerie Hunt and her associates also found evidence to corroborate the theory that memory is stored in the body’s tissues. Through her observations she came to believe that the energy centers play a key role in the encoding of memory.

Dr. Susan Lark in “The Lark Letter: A Woman’s Guide To Optimal Health & Balance” states, “In fact, every chakra is individually linked to neurological synapses (ganglia), small bundles that operate like little brain centers. Each of the seven chakras then processes and remembers different emotional events and traumas that affect you throughout your lifetime. In fact, you can even store specific types of emotional memories in these centers.”

For centuries there has been information primarily from Eastern Philosophies and Medicine that the energy system is the vehicle through which our memories are stored and carried through our lives.

Energetic Interventions
So, as we view the process of transferring our life experience to the cell tissue of our body from this perspective, it makes sense to use energetic methods to intervene and influence the process in a positive way. Through these interventions we can shift and change belief patterns, erase negative conditioning and install new, more useful and powerful beliefs into our systems.

The success and strength of these kinds of interventions have been observed by both practitioners and clients in our culture for some time. However, the underlying scientific mechanism through which change occurred was not well understood. For this reason they seemed magical, mysterious and perhaps not to be trusted. Now that we have a better awareness of some of the underpinnings of such methods we can use them with more skill and benefit from their power and effectiveness.

A key factor to remember when beginning to work with beliefs and old memories is that habitual patterns of thought and strong emotions resonate intensely through the field. What we think about and feel affects the patterns our energy will take. In addition to affecting our health and general functioning, this also affects our access to higher levels of function such a creativity, intuition and spiritual experience. From this perspective full access to our incredible human potential means working to eliminate habitual negative mental and emotional patterns.

It is easy to negate the effect of these negative states as their consequence is initially invisible. We may think they are innocuous, but they are having a very real impact. One or all of our field’s aspects may be involved initially: the physical, mental or emotional. Over time all facets are affected if the stimulus is strong or repetitive enough.

Reshaping Experience
As previously mentioned, coping strategies also develop and become chronic patterns that are anchored in the psyche and the body. These patterns then shape our energy, create body armor and ultimately lead to the breakdown of emotional and physical health

In addition to the affect on the flow of our energy negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs also dissipate a great deal of energy that could be used for more constructive or fun purposes. We have the choice of how we use our minds and manage our emotions and thus in what direction our energy will flow. Your mind decides what thoughts to think, what feelings to allow/how to process them, and what beliefs you will live by.

To reshape our life experience it helps to be open , question our beliefs and consider that the people and events showing up in life provide opportunities to become more consciousness, grow and expand.