The Art and Science of the Self-Part 1

We are fortunate to live at a time in history when there is so much knowledge and so many well researched tools that can help us to realize more of our potential and improve our quality of life. The last few decades have brought many new discoveries and concepts regarding how to heal, expand consciousness, transform difficulties, rise to challenges and transcend our lower nature’ and live more from our authentic selves. Quantum physics has corroborated the truth of the perennial philosophies and mystical traditions to give us both an art and a science of the Self.

As information increases and our awareness expands, we not only know more, but can do and BE more! This is not support for being busier or for taking on more and more activity or responsibility. In many ways it is just the opposite. With deeper understanding and development of our energetic nature we actually can expand our capacity to live more fully but with less struggle, fewer burdens and more ease.

If we understand energetic principles, access our inborn natural capacities and use energetic skills, we can bring about change with less conflict and greater comfort. Often our attempts to change are approached from a stance of willpower, hard work and a forced focus on what to be or not to be. The world of energy provides ways to facilitate change more easily, to integrate new patterns and abilities more effortlessly so we can become that person we see in our mind and feel in our heart.

The Art and Science of the Self-Part 2 continues in the next post