Tag: Surrender
Changing a Stress Filled Mind
How things are Versus how we wish them to be…the distance between these two equals the amount of stress we feel.We do not have to like what is but we do not need to keep up an ongoing inner debate or resistant thought/feeling stream about it. I first learned this several decades ago and yet…
How Can Surrender and Acceptance Reduce Stress?
Surrender and Acceptance are Stress Reducers SURRENDER. In our culture this word is loaded with negative connotations, such as giving up, wimping out, being weak, unable to cut it. However, surrender in a psycho spiritual sense is a deep feeling of letting go of the reactive struggle and conflict we feel when faced with something…
Surrender….Letting Go leads to Less Stress, Enhanced Creativity, Inner Peace and Intuition
Surrender when used in terms of our inner life is not about succumbing or accepting the negative. Surrender is about letting go of the inner conflict, the chemistry of fight/flight and learning to trigger our more buoyant, free and resilient selves. Surrender opens our energy and makes room for our higher natures to shine through.…
Letting Go into the New Year
Letting Go Helps with Moving ForwardAs we enter the New Year with awareness of what changes we would like to bring in, it can be helpful to think about what you would like to let go of. When we think about what we would like to let go of it is natural to focus on…
Turning Concepts into Reality
Excerpt From Ch 8 12 Keys for Life and Self MasteryNow available as pdf download APPLYING ALCHEMY Turning Concepts into Reality Power is in Being … not in knowing. This is an important key concept for creating. We have said before that conceptual knowledge is not enough to turn desire into reality; intellectual understanding is…