Tag: Stress
How can you use affirmations successfully for change?
Affirmations are a common technique used to try to create change. Before using them however, there are some things to consider in order for your efforts to be successful.
How Does Gratitude Affect Your Heart and Health?
Gratitude and the Heart For centuries the heart has been connected with emotions of love, gratitude and compassion as well as with courage, wisdom and spirituality. More recently research has found that not only are these feelings are experienced by the heart, but they also have a very stabilizing and beneficial effect on total health.…
Heart Energy and Stress: What’s Love got to Do With it?
Most people have an awareness that stress affects the heart. There is however less awareness of how this actually occurs. Changes Happen in our energy field first in response to life events and interactions. The energetic changes travel from the energy system into the nervous, circulatory and hormonal systems where physical imbalances begin to occur.
How can you use the energy of love to strengthen your heart?
By choosing to dwell on times when you were truly deeply loving from the strongest place within, you can not only raise your energy level, but also help yourself grow in the capacity to hold higher vibrations of healthy love.
5 Questions to Help Discover the Tap Roots of Stress
Developing an individualized approach to self care—one based on your individual needs is most effective to remove the tap roots of stress. Having a well thought out plan for stress management and reduction builds resiliency and develops the inner resources necessary to navigate challenges, change and uncertainty with ease. Questions to help you discover the…
Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power, Courage and Change Part 1
Energy for change The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are governed by the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a major player in your capacity to change yourself and your situation in life.