Tag: Stress
One Change of Mind That Reduces Stress: Shifting Out of Ego into Soul-Mind
Esoteric traditions see the heart as the space where we can expand into our Observer Self. Some have called this aspect the voice of the Soul. The Observer Self is the part of ourselves that has access to truth with a capital T. It also is that facet of consciousness that allows for creative solutions…
Happiness Hacks: Getting Your Brain on Board With What You Want
Happiness Hacks Can Help You Engage Your Inner Resources to Achieve Your Goals Happiness Hack #1 Searching for Gratitude Guilt and shame are two emotions that trouble us frequently in spite of our best efforts. Why is it so hard to let go of these feelings when we recognize intellectually that they are not pleasant…
Energy Flow: Four Signs That Your Energy is Being Drained
The energy flow between people is invisible to the naked eye so it may be hard to understand or realize that your energy field has been compromised or assaulted. However, your feelings and intuition can be counted on to tell the story. For instance: Have you ever been with a person and afterward felt drained…
Spiritual Bypassing, Wishful Thinking and Real Change
Spiritual Bypassing and Positivity In recent years there has been an abundance of talk about affirmation, positive thought and creating one’s reality. This has all been wonderful to begin to shift our consciousness from that of victimization to one of empowerment and be open to engaging co-creativity. However there is a downside. Many mistakenly believe all…
Mind Up: A Conversation with Goldie Hawn and Deepak Chopra
“Next phase transition in humanity“…Deepak Chopra This 44 minute conversation discusses Mind Up, a program that is being brought into schools (based on neuroscience) that increases emotional stability,academic performance, attention, develops empathy, innovation and creativity and decreases aggression. Fascinating information that we can all use but is especially helpful for children and teachers. In…
8 Steps for Releasing Judgements
Judgements…we all have them…projecting them out but also turning them in on ourselves. In some ways judging is a habit. It is also a signal to look deeper at some insecurity, shame or guilt that may be driving the urge to judge. Suspending Judgements: Stress Management for the body, Mind and Soul Try these ideas…