Tag: Stress
Neutrality: A Way Station on the Road to Peace and Happiness
Here are three questions to ask yourself and help trigger a more open neutral state as you go through your day.
How Does Letting Go Benefit Your Energy, Health and Success?
Letting Go and Coherence “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers Coherence (clarity, ease and flow) of our energy field helps us to feel better,…
Why Pay Attention to Stress? Finding Inner Peace
Peace is like a sun that is always shining in your heart” (Buddhist saying) Our personal energy, our inner sun is often obscured by the clouds of stress, out of reach due to a lack of skills and commitment to one’s self. Fortunately, as always, we have a choice. Consciously designing a personal stress management…
What is the Relationship of Subtle Energy, Resistance and Your Life?
Years ago when I first heard the phrase, Resist Nothing, it made sense to me on a level where I could use it to consciously release tension but at that time I really did not understand the relationship between resistance and our subtle energy, how it flows through us and the world. [caption id=”attachment_13069″ align=”alignleft”…
Subtle Energy is Your Source of Personal Power
Subtle Energy: Energy Excess/Deficiency? Our energy is our power. Binding it or dissipating contributes to powerlessness. To cope with stress we are inclined to increase, decrease or freeze our energy. An increase or excess of subtle energy to cope is manifested as a pattern of overcompensation for fear or weakness. We see this in people…