Tag: stress management
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing Are these words familiar? “I know I should let go. I just don’t know how.” But whoever taught you HOW to Let Go?
A Reason to Believe and False Science
We want to believe certain positive life enhancing beliefs BUT we seem to need a reason to believe says Greg Braden. In this video he talks about two false scientific assumptions that affect all of us.
A Balanced Heart Chakra Reduces Stress
Below is a list of characteristics that are typical of a balanced heart chakra.
Heart Chakra: Exploring Beliefs
Here are some questions that can help you to asses the issues that may need addressing in regard to the heart chakra—we all have them!
Relax to Let Go
learning how to center and ground one’s energy are two fundamental skills that can begin to allow the energy of emotion to move freely through the body-mind. This ability allows the negative energy to be released and positive energy to build and stabilize our core of being.