Tag: spiritual
A Reason to Believe and False Science
We want to believe certain positive life enhancing beliefs BUT we seem to need a reason to believe says Greg Braden. In this video he talks about two false scientific assumptions that affect all of us.
Heart Chakra: Exploring Beliefs
Here are some questions that can help you to asses the issues that may need addressing in regard to the heart chakra—we all have them!
Four Ways to Release Stress and Build Energy
Each of the above help to release stress from your system, as well as help to open up your energy system to build stronger reserves of energy.
“Spontaneous Evolution”
“Spontaneous Evolution” by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman is a wonderful book that presents a worldview that helps us understand where we are today, how we got here and more importantly what we can do in order to move forward with strength, power and optimism. It is chock full of science and history and yet…