Tag: spiritual
What does it mean to grow in consciousness?
Over the years I have tracked his work and found it to be fascinating, thought provoking, as well as especially helpful in understanding our psycho-spiritual development and integration, in addition to consciousness, spirituality and the universe.
Energetic Interaction and Relationships
Energetic Interaction and HealingEnergy healing benefits us in many ways but one often overlooked advantage of energy awareness is how our relationships are impacted by our energy fields (auras). To begin to understand this we need to become aware of some “aura basics”. Characteristics of the Aura and and Energetic InteractionEvery aura has its own…
How Does Deep Self care Help in Times of Change ?
Change, Transformation and Stress What a week (month/year!) this past one has been! It seems that the pace of life along with the pressure of change not only is not letting up but is accelerating and along with it emotional tensions run high. Anger, fear, frustration and stress are all quite natural responses to the…
Throat Chakra: Communication, Pure Consciousness, Listening and Choice
This post discusses the positive and negative signs of an unbalanced throat chakra as well as the advantages of coherent energy in this energy center.
Spiritual Bypassing, Wishful Thinking and Real Change
Spiritual Bypassing and Positivity In recent years there has been an abundance of talk about affirmation, positive thought and creating one’s reality. This has all been wonderful to begin to shift our consciousness from that of victimization to one of empowerment and be open to engaging co-creativity. However there is a downside. Many mistakenly believe all…