Tag: Self

  • Rekindle Your Energy!

    Here are suggestions to begin to spark enthusiasm in your life: [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" class="zemanta-img"] Cropped version of File:Ruby slippers.JPG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

  • Tuning into Peace: Your Authentic Self

    How can you differentiate the voice of your ego from the voice of your higher self?[caption id="attachment_14703" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Spirituality, Fear and Change

    The seventh chakra connects individual awareness with infinite consciousness. It is here that we can develop the ability to go beyond sequential time and move into higher consciousness where we can achieve   In our discussion of the chakras and change we now arrive at the crown chakra.The seventh chakra connects individual awareness with infinite…

  • Finding Joe: A Documentary for the Soul!

    This is a wonderful documentary that reflects on Joseph Campbell and his life’s work– distilling out the core story of all myths/stories–the Hero’s Journey. The documentary interviews several contemporary teachers like Deepak Chopra and Alan Cohen, who speak about Campbell and his work in a way that “updates” the material so that it is relevant…

  • An Uncommon Journey of Love and Joy

    My friend and colleague, Tracey Alysson has just had her book, Living and Dying in the Arms of Love published! The narrative recounts her journey to Tibet and doing Khora (circumambulating) with prostrations, Mt. Kailash (one of the sacred mountains in Tibet).

  • Energy Unfolding

    Nature’s graceful process displays the art of “unfoldment”. It instructs us in the art of pure being.