Nature’s graceful process displays the art of “unfoldment”.
It instructs us in the art of pure being.
Nature has much to teach, but this is perhaps its best and deepest teaching.
A seedling, the beginning of form holds the promise of what is to come.
The life force of the seed does not fret about its process. It does not wonder how it looks. It is not concerned about what obstacles may be encountered in its journey forward. It does not seem to care or be impatient regarding how long it will take until it blossoms into final form.
In nature new life gracefully moves through its process, at times moving rapidly, at times moving so slowly it almost appears as though growth has ceased. At all times however it unabashedly takes what it needs from the sky, the earth, the wind and rain‚and they in turn seem grateful to provide.
A seedling simply perseveres, growing along according to its own unique blueprint so it eventually becomes what it will be within its own design.
This process of new life unfolding embraces many stages. In none of these stages does the seed weigh or measure its progress or bemoan its fate. The seedling does not seem to worry that it is not deserving of the sunlight, that it is not good enough to drink the rain. All phases and transitions are simply part of the journey to the full expression of the seed’s true nature. The tiny life form takes what it needs, adapts to shifts in environmental changes and perseveres, growing according to its own blueprint… moving steadily onward toward what it will become‚¦ITS SELF.
The seed travels onward through its life cycle toward ripeness when its mature fruit easily and freely drops to earth in a willingness to change yet again the life cycle continuously renewing.
We can learn to live with the same grace, beauty, fullness and seamless dancing spirit.
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