Tag: Self Care
Why Energy?
Years ago when I first left a traditional psychotherapy practice and began an “energy coaching” practice a client asked me why I was doing this…my answer was and continues to be…
How You Can Dissolve Hidden Obstacles to Change
Beliefs about ourselves, life, relationships, time, money, love, creativity and spirituality originate from many sources and are, [caption id="attachment_13513" align="alignleft" width="300"] Inside the Caves by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Going With the Flow Part 2
What I would like to suggest here are two simple easy to use methods that may be useful for you to create more flow in your bodymind and life.
What does it mean to “GO WITH THE FLOW?” Part 1
Lately I have had many occasions to think about the inner sense of “going with the flow”, how it feels and what people typically mean when they say that. My observation is that [caption id="attachment_13460" align="alignleft" width="300"] Savegre River by Sonia’s View[/caption]
6 Questions To Move Beyond Grief Toward Inner Peace
World events often trigger painful places within us that if faced can lead to emotional and spiritual freedom.
Hidden Drains of Your Energy and Vitality
/>Beliefs and old memories form habitual patterns of thought that produce strong emotions which resonate intensely through the energy field. What you think about and feel affects the patterns your energy will take.