Tag: Religion and Spirituality
The Secret of Energy Management
Living Energy€¦.we are€¦.all the time. We are infused with energy and it keeps us alive, moving, thinking, feeling but we also organize it into patterns that swirl around us, impact others and communicate with larger energies of the cosmos.
Are You Free of the Past?
However, it is not enough to know that we are spiritual/energetic beings. We need to understand what it is specifically that deters us from living fully from that perspective.
Authentic Self, Intuition and Energy Awareness
Understanding our energetic nature and its relationship to our wounds, strengths, lower and higher nature brings us beyond the world of concepts to the world of true co-creation and realizing our highest aspiration.
The Secret of Happiness
Happiness is one of those feelings that has many different aspects. We can be wildly happy about good things that happen in our lives…exuberant, exhilarated, joyful, are all words that describe that full blown happy feeling. These feelings tend to arise when things are going our way…when we approve of external outcomes. However, in order…