Tag: Reality creation
Third Chakra: Personal Power and Freedom from Stress and Guilt
understanding each of the chakras and how they operate can facilitate releasing all that blocks the free expression of our deepest authentic nature
Creativity and Change: 7 Powerful Steps for Success
The creative cycle is all about our ability to make things happen for ourselves. We create by default every day. If you are not completely happy with what you create by default, you can begin to create your life more consciously. Choose the experiences you would like to have and then put your creative cycle…
Consciousness, Energy and Higher Mind
Higher consciousness is a field of awareness or energy from which our bodies, egos, and personalities arise. This Self is a more expansive consciousness than that of the ego. We are cut off from the full embodiment of this greater awareness by childhood hurts, trauma, mistaken beliefs, and cultural conditioning. This results in our living…
Energy Block: A Cause of Stress, Poor Health and Life Imbalances
Blockages, deficiencies or excesses can occur in any one of the chakras and stop the smooth flow in and out, or up and down throughout the body. If this situation becomes chronic, eventually an illness results in a related part of the body. There are three basic types of energy disruption.
Happiness is an Inside Job: Take Charge of the Voice in Your Head
A list celebrities bringyou good energy and a smile to your face!
Emotional Intelligence: How Can it Improve Your Daily Life?
How are you impacting the field of energy around you today is the theme of this article. Techniques for shifting negativity and adopting amore positive internal “space” are suggested.