Tag: power of mind
Chakra Blocks: What are the Effects and One Simple Remedy
It is also of no small consequence that being able to use energetic tools strongly promotes feelings of self empowerment which are always correlated with more successful recovery and healing.
Energy Management: What You Need to Know for Positive Impact
Human beings are Transformers! We are always influencing, moving, managing and transforming our energy. This is generally an unconscious process. Because our energy management is typically out of awareness, it we may not be reaping the benefits we’d like or that are possible.
Happiness is an Inside Job: Take Charge of the Voice in Your Head
A list celebrities bringyou good energy and a smile to your face!
How Can You Create Greater Stress Hardiness?
Fortunately the same techniques that are used to help discover our problem patterns can also be part of the solution. Meditation and strategies encouraging healthier patterns of breathing can help heighten awareness of mind-body patterns that have resulted in a depletion of our energy resources.
Heartfelt Affirmations and Awareness to Release Fear and Pain
Through taking these statements inside and working with your energy in the way they suggest, you can eradicate a great deal of fear and pain. for what is left as “normal” fear and pain, you can have a whole new way of riding the waves via your energy system.
How Can You Remove the Blocks to Healthy Self Care ?
Healthy self care, or lack thereof, is influenced by our past. Powerful messages in our unconscious drive many of our behaviors including how we care for ourselves. We all know that our memories and unconscious beliefs travel with us through life. Some memories may be forgotten, others may haunt us. At times they may come…