Tag: power of mind
Ego, Energy and Power: 7 Questions to Discover Blocks to Personal Power
We all have issues in all of the chakras. Along with spiritual growth, psychological growth/maturity is a necessary part of every journey. Be honest but gentle with yourself as you sit with these questions…they are meant to free you not further weigh you down!!
Empowering Change Through Energy Management
Empowering change and energy management Energy and consciousness provide new tools for facilitating change, empower the process and eliminate a lot of the fear and struggle often encountered with change. When “working” with energy and consciousness for empowering change, we are not attracting our desires to us as much as we are aligning with new…
Your heart chakra and change: Is what you don’t know hurting you?
Physically it is obvious that our heart (and lungs due to location) can be affected by life events and our reactions to them. As with the other chakras our inner and outer lives are intimately connected. [caption id="attachment_10586" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Mindful Stress Reduction: Four Concepts to Build Resiliency
Recognizing that when you experience regret or when you judge others, you are blocking your energy, weakening it so you do not have it present to bring to the expression of your full potential. It is important to attend to the underlying issues that those negative processes spring from for true clarity to emerge in…
Neuro-plasticity and 6 Tips to Reduce Resistance to Healing and Change
Neuro-plasticity: Understanding the principle of neuro-plasticity can help us to implement methods that will be more successful and effective in regard to change and healing. The simplest definition of neuro-plasticity is it is the ability of the brain and nervous system to change itself. Our intention and focus determines which circuits will light up and…
Judgement and Regret: Letting Go Builds Strength and Inner Peace
Regrets are a yearning type of energy €“ yearning for something that is not there or yearning for something that once was or will never be. Regrets are about the past