Tag: power of mind
A Way to Raise Your Vibe and Let Go!
As we engage in a routine meditation practice we are able to tame the conscious mind, and become more open to the higher frequencies of universal consciousness. Meditation intrinsically helps to develop an enhanced perspective that allows us to become aware of the lower mind (ego) and its various machinations that keep us stuck or…
Self Mastery: Feeeeling Good!
One of the key elements in an energetic approach to living is to FEEL good. Not only is this a goal, it is also a part of the method to achieve the goal. We are so accustomed to working hard, striving, pushing, efforting, to reach our destination that it never occurs to us that there…
Your Energy is Your Personal Power
Energy is your personal power. When you allow others to control you, when you attempt to control them, when you cannot forgive, or when you focus more on the needs of others and sacrifice your own, you are giving your power away. “Where attention goes, energy flows.” Unresolved issues from the past bind energy that…
Prozac, Placebos and Mind Power
Here’s the second half of the video in the last post. Bruce Lipton’s latest book is well worth reading. It is relevant for working with your personal health/life as well as adding suport and information about how to participate in evolving our future as a planet!
Conscious Creation
Belief, Concentration, Focus and Desire Belief, concentration, focus and desire are the basics. Wrap them in any package you want. You get to choose based on what feels right to you. A philosophy or belief system has to be able to be of service to you €“ all of you: body, mind and spirit. Two…