Tag: power of mind
Releasing Negative Control
Whether it is God, the Universe, a Higher Power, spirit guides, angels, or other form of guidance that resonates with you–there is great power and untying of energetic knots in surrender, releasing the need to orchestrate and control…LETTING GO of the stress that binds you.
How Intentions Affect Our Environment
This article discusses of how our minds, energy and intention affect the environment around us.
Connecting Money, Debt & Generosity
I (Peg) am fascinated with the energetic aspects of money and what is does to us, what it does to society. For some time I have been thinking about the value of work and goods and services. Why do people work at jobs they don’t like? What factors go into deciding that an hour of…
Before You Forget … Read This!
We’re hearing a lot about memory these days. What does it have to do with energy and being? Quite a bit, actually. Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein: The Science of Remembering Everything, tells us that to memorize is to be more mindful and to pay more attention to the world around you.…
Clarify Your Life Purpose!
Barbara Hofmeister, author of “To Be or Not To Be: The Choice is Yours,” is a passionate advocate of helping people live their dreams. She is the person you would want to go to to clarify your true purpose and live a life of joy and passion. Barbara is a refugee from Communist Germany and…