Tag: power of mind

  • Shifting Out of Discomfort, Pain and Fear

    [caption id="attachment_13582" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • What Does it Mean to Resist Nothing!

    Learning to be in touch with your subtle energy and manage its flow is a powerful way to meet life and move with it rather than being in turmoil, conflict and defense mode that only perpetuates patterns that cause mental, emotional and physical pain. [caption id="attachment_13579" align="alignleft" width="200"] Near Aysgarth Falls Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • How Do You Bring Your Best Self to Life?

    To fully connect with and express our best selves in the world then it is imperative to have true Self knowledge and Self awareness. These are most efficiently gained through understanding of the structure of our minds and energy systems. [caption id="attachment_13550" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Why Energy?

    Years ago when I first left a traditional psychotherapy practice and began an “energy coaching” practice a client asked me why I was doing this…my answer was and continues to be…

  • Strategies for Managing Change

    Change is with us always but it does seem that the number, intensity and speed of change has increased exponentially in the past decade. In addition, this time of year brings many changes, even more so than the New Year. I find it helpful to remember the stages associated with change and the tools that…

  • What does it mean to “GO WITH THE FLOW?” Part 1

    Lately I have had many occasions to think about the inner sense of “going with the flow”, how it feels and what people typically mean when they say that. My observation is that [caption id="attachment_13460" align="alignleft" width="300"] Savegre River by Sonia’s View[/caption]