Tag: power of mind
A Hearfelt Look at Stress and Burn Out
What steps can you take to eliminate stress and prevent burn out? [caption id="attachment_13850" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Energy Alignment Fosters Peace From Within
his stunning view of the Milky Way reminds me of how each of us is a tiny spec within our ever-expanding universe. When problems seem insurmountable … [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="513"] Astronomy Picture of the Day: Mangaia’s Milky Way, by Tunç Tezel.[/caption]
Surrender the Mind—Open The Heart to Love
Griffiths was a proponent of integral thought, which attempts to harmonize scientific and spiritual world views. In a 1983 interview he stated,
A New Spirituality?
Some years ago I heard Doc Lew Childre from the Institue of HeartMath say that we were entering a time when “spirit needed to meet the sidewalk”. To me that meant
Decrease Inner Violence, Scattered Energy and Ineffectiveness
Here is a centering technique to help you get started with learning to sense and manage your energy. [caption id="attachment_13721" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]