Tag: power of mind
Positive Energy: It’s More than a Thought
We all want positive energy and preferably ALL the time! However we are human and have all kinds of feelings and experiences. This is normal and even advantageous. E.G. If you saw a truck barreling down on you, feeling fear would be appropriate and life saving in that it gave you the energy to get…
Higher Consciousness, False Beliefs and the New Paradigm
Higher Consciousness and the new Paradigm For a long time now there has been talk about a new paradigm emerging. A major piece of the foundation for that paradigm is “waking up” or evolving to a higher level of consciousness. I suspect a lot of us thought it was going to be smoother and more…
Creativity: Four Steps to Enhance Your Ability to Move Through Change
Creativity, Life Cycles, Growth and Change We are all aware that there are cycles of growth and change, but we typically do not pay a lot of attention to where we may be within the cycle. The result is that we are not in sync; we are out of rhythm with ourselves, our lives and…
Healing Grief: Self Care is Critical in Stressful Times
The times continue to be turbulent and difficult with awareness of the need for growth, change and transformation of ourselves and our world highlighted again and again. No matter where difficult feelings and stresses originate, we can all contribute to the larger picture, to our shared and connected future by beginning in our own corner…
Energy Drains: 7 Tips for Protection
Here are some tips on energy management and protecting yourself from energy drains
Do Energy Fields Reveal Information About Your Soul?
Energy fields contain information about our basic natures as well as life experiences. We each have our own energetic imprint. In some ways this could be thought of as a “soul-print”. Our energy fields show both our strengths and our weaknesses. It seems that our energy is designed both as the means to best express…