Tag: Physical body
Goals and Hidden Obstacles to Their Achievement
Hidden Obstacles to Achieving Your Goals Part of the human journey through this life is to set sights on goals, to grow and develop and become all that we can be. In spite of these intentions, we often hit obstacles that surprise as well as prevent us from achieving what we desire. An important but…
Why is Emotional Intelligence Important? What are its Benefits?
Knowing how to work positively with all our emotions builds our energy and helps us move more rapidly and simply toward the lives we desire. We hold memory all throughout our body-mind … no experience escapes our notice. Our life experience is imprinted through our energy–our chakra and meridian networks-into the nervous system which in…
Energy Vibration: Thought and Feeling–What You Aren’t Conscious of Hurts
Dr. Tiller has contributed much to our understanding of the unseen forces in our universe and our relationship to it all. Two of the most important pieces he has added to the puzzle of reality formation are: 1. The most effective results occur when intention is combined with coherence. 2. We need to develop our…
Heart Energy and Stress: What’s Love got to Do With it?
Most people have an awareness that stress affects the heart. There is however less awareness of how this actually occurs. Changes Happen in our energy field first in response to life events and interactions. The energetic changes travel from the energy system into the nervous, circulatory and hormonal systems where physical imbalances begin to occur.
Positive Energy: It’s More than a Thought
We all want positive energy and preferably ALL the time! However we are human and have all kinds of feelings and experiences. This is normal and even advantageous. E.G. If you saw a truck barreling down on you, feeling fear would be appropriate and life saving in that it gave you the energy to get…
Really Going with the Flow is Good for You
Are You Really Going With the Flow? [caption id="attachment_16120" align="alignleft" width="350"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]