Tag: Philosophy of Mind
Energy Vibration: Thought and Feeling–What You Aren’t Conscious of Hurts
Dr. Tiller has contributed much to our understanding of the unseen forces in our universe and our relationship to it all. Two of the most important pieces he has added to the puzzle of reality formation are: 1. The most effective results occur when intention is combined with coherence. 2. We need to develop our…
Compassionate Self Care: Five Questions for a Healthier You
These are just two of the many sources today that are speaking and writing about the scientific breakthroughs in mind-body health that can guide us in taking greater charge of our health and well being and to create happier, healthier lives.
Being Here Now
At this evolutionary moment, humankind is wavering between fear and love, focusing on survival and yet beginning to touch the infinite potential of being.
How Do You Transcend Ego?
A major contribution that Meditation makes to those advantages is the development of our Observer Self –that aspect of Self that is beyond the enslavement of thought and emotion. [caption id="attachment_11053" align="alignleft" width="207"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Clutter Clearing the Mind, Personal Power and En-Lightenment
As we clear the clutter from our energy systems there is more space and openness for ‘I AM’ consciousness to flow [caption id="attachment_14779" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Ways to put more energy and positive feeling in your day
We have been talking this week about the various levels of consciousness and types of energy available to us to help live and create our lives. Here are some tips to help gain greater self-awareness so you can create more of what you do want in your life. [caption id="attachment_11036" align="alignleft" width="420"] Photo by Sonia’s…