Tag: mind-body health
Grief and Self Care for the Holidays and Beyond: 7 Tips for Moving Beyond Grief
It may seem strange to include a post about grief during Christmas week, but I think in particular this year we must honor the losses of this year even as we celebrate the holiday. Having a balance where we have space for both grief and joy brings us into a more authentic experience of life.…
Chakra System Blocks Lead to Stress, Powerlessness and Ill Health
Chakra Blocks lead to an excess or deficiency of free flowing energyEnergy Excess or Deficiency Leads to Stress And Powerlessness Your energy is your power. Binding it or dissipating it contributes to a fundamental state of powerlessness. Deficient energy in a chakra produces avoidant behavior patterns. Excessive energy is typically expressed as overcompensation of some…
Sensing Subtle Energy: Are You Making These Mistakes?
Do you sense Subtle Energy?How can we know how energy is moving in everyday life? There are many ways to listen in on this conversation we are having with the universe! Our words are often descriptions of invisible subtle energy realities. They can give us clues that help us shift the underlying energetic conversation to…
Connecting the Spiritual and Human, Inner and Outer Realities
Subtle energy flows through the chakra system. This gives us a direct means toe release old wounds and to enhance our spiritual and human connection. We are in a constant conversation with ourselves, others, and the world through our energy system. It is the interface where we connect • Everyday consciousness with higher consciousness •…
12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery now available download/Reduced Rate!
12 Keys for Life and Self-Mastery combines timeless philosophy, quantum theory and neuroscience to provide you with a comprehensive approach to energy and mind mastery skills. These skills provide you with effective ways to manage stress, rise to challenges from strength and create greater ease, peace and fulfillment. Each session highlights a specific concept and explores…