Tag: Mental Health
How Can You Use Your Personal Energy System to Promote Flow States?
Personal energy system, consciousness and flow statesThere is a flow of energy or consciousness, a way of BEING that we all have experienced from time to time— a state where everything flows together and feels in sync. We move easily from one moment to the next with a sense of meaning and purpose. We feel…
Navigating Change with ease Change
Change of any sort sets off the energy of the root chakra. If it is healthy and balanced then it supports navigating change with ease. Most of us however have some issue that involves the root chakra just because we are humans living on earth! Attention to this energy center contributes to health in every…
Seven Key Strategies to Relieve Stress
Seven Key Strategies to Relieve Stress 1. Be clear about your goal–often we do not take time to really define what it is we would like to create 2. Write down what values are important to you, prioritize the list and keep it handy to check your daily activities against 3. Make realistic timetables for…
Letting Go of Judgement
We judge ourselves, other people and situations daily. We pass everything through our own experiences and filters. We need to have an ability to know if something is good for us, dangerous, destructive and so forth. However, this is one of those normal human capabilities that has run amok. We say that things are good/bad,…
Are You Easily Influenced by the Subtle Energies Around You?
How aware are you of your energy in daily life? Some people are more sensitive than others to subtle energy. Lack of awareness can leave you vulnerable to being affected negatively and drain your energy. Enhanced awareness and development of a few simple “inner technologies” can expand your personal (energy) power, sense of connection to…
Are Your Chakras Blocked?
This article discusses the various ways chakras become damaged. [caption id="attachment_13241" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]