Tag: Mental Health
Creative Change: Practices for Releasing the Stress of Change
How can mind-body and spirit can cooperate and each add skills for navigating change? [caption id="attachment_13356" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Emotions: Guests with a Message
Feelings are meant to inform, help us integrate experience as we move toward our wholeness…if we listen deeply and attend.
Subtly Energy Management in Health, Healing and Self Knowledge
Subtle Energy Management promotes health, healing and self knowledge Excerpt from Introduction Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck ~ Jellaludin Rumi Rumi’s words describe the external search for all that is valuable when it…
Change Management: 3 Steps for Success Using Energy and Consciousness
Successful change management using subtle energy requires three components of focus: An ample supply of energy Balanced and unobstructed flow of energy Coherence…smooth, even and ordered energy Successful Change Management Requires a Healthy Amount of Energy Step 1: Generate An Ample Supply of Energy Common sense healthy practices help to build a healthy supply of…
Secondary PTSD! What is necessary for comprehensive self-care?
How can we shift into higher vibrations when stress is overwhelming? [caption id="attachment_13330" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]