Tag: Mental Health
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for Change
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency are Central to Stress Responses Stress reduction and subtle energy competency begin with taking a look at our habitual patterns. We all have patterns that affect how we respond to stress and deplete our energy. These patterns are usually learned ways of protecting or defending ourselves,or ways we have…
Grounded Energy: Foundation of Mental, Physical and Emotional Health and Well Being
What is grounded energy and how does it relate to our physical and mental well-being?
Burn Out: 5 Questions That Can Eliminate Stress and Prevent Burnout
Burn Out: A Product of Modern Life? It seems that we are all too busy these days! How this crazy busy buzzing that we live in came about is not altogether clear. It seemed to creep in somewhat gradually and so stayed below our radar. Nevertheless, we all can pretty much say now that we…
Sensing Subtle Energy: How Can it Influence Your Life Positively?
Sensing subtle energy is a deep form of self care that can help dissolve old patterns and set the foundation for greater health, happiness and abundance in all areas of life. Excerpt from Fully Human Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras SENSING SUBTLE ENERGY: BASIC SKILLS Subtle Energy Competency = Awareness, Connection, and…
Energy Balancing for Health and Spiritual Connection
[caption id="attachment_10699" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] Each of our chakras holds specific fears or strengths depending on the quantity and quality of energy being channeled through it.