Tag: Mental Health
Mind Up: A Conversation with Goldie Hawn and Deepak Chopra
“Next phase transition in humanity“…Deepak Chopra This 44 minute conversation discusses Mind Up, a program that is being brought into schools (based on neuroscience) that increases emotional stability,academic performance, attention, develops empathy, innovation and creativity and decreases aggression. Fascinating information that we can all use but is especially helpful for children and teachers. In…
How is Authenticity Reflected in Your Aura?
Last weekend I did a chakra workshop locally and had an experience that I would like to share with you as it illustrates the importance and value of understanding your personal energy and having the tools to be able to manage your energy effectively.
How Personal Power Helps to Let Go and Move Forward
Personal Power Unblocked Through Grief There are all sorts of reasons why personal power is difficult to source. Grief can be one way that our energy (our power) is blocked and therefore inaccessible. It is important for all of us to become introspective and assess where we stand vis a vis personal power and grief,…
8 Steps for Releasing Judgements
Judgements…we all have them…projecting them out but also turning them in on ourselves. In some ways judging is a habit. It is also a signal to look deeper at some insecurity, shame or guilt that may be driving the urge to judge. Suspending Judgements: Stress Management for the body, Mind and Soul Try these ideas…
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A Pilot Study on Dental Anxiety
Emotional Freedom Technique is a method that I have found to be very effective in treating anxiety as well as many other problematic or overwhelming emotions. The study referred to below focused on dental anxiety which is something we can all probably relate to! From Energy Psychology Journal The Effect of Emotional Freedom Technique on…
Caregiver Burnout and the Power of Self Care
Caregiver Burnout is a Major Risk for Both the Professional and Personal Caregiver Caring for others, be it an elderly parent, a relative, a child, or a friend, is one of the highest forms of human service. However caring for others can mean that you set aside your desires and wishes for another day, a…