Tag: Love
Energy Imbalances and Building Healthy Relationships
Imbalances or distortions in our chakras and energy field lead to problems with our thoughts, feelings and actions. How we experience ourselves, life and others is mediated through our energy field first then travels to the nervous system and the rest of our body and mind.
Winter Solstice: Take Five and Revive!
The winter solstice is a good time to remember that much of what we truly seek arrives on the wings of silence …creativity, miracles, inspiration and deep levels of peace and love emerge out of stillness …not from hard driving and striving. Happy Solstice!
Your heart chakra and change: Is what you don’t know hurting you?
Physically it is obvious that our heart (and lungs due to location) can be affected by life events and our reactions to them. As with the other chakras our inner and outer lives are intimately connected. [caption id="attachment_10586" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Spirit in Human Form….Not What You Think
Love this passage from this young author—what do YOU think?
Root Chakra: Foundation of Health, Manifestation, Prosperity and Love
This chakra may not be as exciting or glamorous as other chakras that rule Self Empowerment, Love, Intuition etc., BUT it is the foundation of all the other chakras and without it there are issues with the development of the other chakras. For instance, without a healthy Root Chakra self empowerment is skewed, intuition becomes…