Tag: inspiration
What is the Relationship of Subtle Energy, Resistance and Your Life?
Years ago when I first heard the phrase, Resist Nothing, it made sense to me on a level where I could use it to consciously release tension but at that time I really did not understand the relationship between resistance and our subtle energy, how it flows through us and the world. [caption id=”attachment_13069″ align=”alignleft”…
Energetic Intelligence, Change and Your Unconscious Mind
It is more than obvious that our world is going through a major upheaval that is touching every aspect of our lives. For some time now we have witnessed crises, breakdown of old systems and revolutionary thoughts, feelings and in some places chaotic action. As difficult as it is to move through a time like…
How Can the Brow Chakra Help You Through Transition and Change?
[caption id="attachment_10654" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] The Brow Chakra can be of great assistance during times of transition and change since it is the seat of judgment, intelligence, sense of reality, rationality and wisdom. However if the brow chakra is out of balance we may not have access to all these abilities to…
Stepping into Personal Power and Conscious Creation
Personal Power, Energy and Vibration To step into our own power, to be conscious creators of our lives, to bring forth our own best Self and birth our soul into the life we are given is a process of BECOMING. All that we desire for ourselves in life emerges from a state of BEING rather…
What type of meditation is right for you?
Those of you who have been following this blog for some time know I have frequently spoken about the benefits of meditation as well as offered recordings that assist one to get started using inner technologies for the benefit of health and well being. Knowing about the details of the various types of meditation can…