Tag: inspiration
On Being: Energy and Authenticity
When we are authentically ourselves we enter a flow and strong vibrant energy courses through us providing the possibility of just being.
Optimal Self Care is key to Living Well in Uncertain Times
Optimal self care is the key to living well through times of change, stress and uncertainty. Prolonged stress leads to anger, depression, anxiety and illness. The better your self care, the more easily you will navigate change, stress and uncertainty and reduce the negative effects of stress. What is optimal self care and how can…
Motivation and Change: 3 Methods for Reigniting Motivation and Change
Motivation and Change: How Can We Sustain them? Here we are in the middle of January. The holidays are behind us and we’ve had a couple of weeks to focus on the changes we set for ourselves at the turn of the year. How are you doing with the resolutions/intentions/goals you set at the New…
Positive stress management: 5 simple steps for energy enhancement
Positive stress management and energy enhancement are beneficial for all of us but especially for those involved in high stress positions like care giving. Integrating these simple skills into your daily life will add to your energy, create a feeling of positive flow within and ultimately bring you more joy, peace and fulfillment than you…
Change and New Year Resolutions: Fast or Slow? Stress-less Change
One of the greatest myths about facing our challenges, in my opinion, is that we should have all we need to cope immediately, or that there is something wrong with us if we cannot rise to challenging circumstances with grit and grace NOW!
Grief: A Major Hidden Obstacle for New Years’ Resolutions
There are many reasons for change to be difficult, but today I would like to focus on one that most of [caption id="attachment_10958" align="alignleft" width="360"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]