Tag: Inner peace
10 Self Care Options to Stress-Less
Self care can include many different things, internal and external. Those things we do to address our internal world often can bring more lasting results to living with more peace, joy and happiness than external approaches. What if you were to hold the intention to mindfully enjoy this day to the fullest? Yawn! Yawning helps…
Tame the ego to let go of stress and build inner peace and resiliency
Ego and conscious mindOur conscious mind/ego self identity tends to focus on what is not going well, what we do not have, what outside us is not helping to make us healthy, happy and peaceful. This outer focus often results in frustration, fear, misdirected passion, power struggles, relationship and identity problems. I believe this is…
Surrender….Letting Go leads to Less Stress, Enhanced Creativity, Inner Peace and Intuition
Surrender when used in terms of our inner life is not about succumbing or accepting the negative. Surrender is about letting go of the inner conflict, the chemistry of fight/flight and learning to trigger our more buoyant, free and resilient selves. Surrender opens our energy and makes room for our higher natures to shine through.…
A Balanced Root Chakra: 7 Ways to Boost Vitality, Increase Focus and Promote Inner Peace
Root chakra balanced energy promotes vitality, peace and focusThese questions will help you gain greater clarity re: how your root chakra energy can be strengthened and balanced. Before answering the questions sit for a moment and sense how you feel regarding the issue rather than how you think about it. Very often our thoughts give…
Neutrality: A Way Station on the Road to Peace and Happiness
Here are three questions to ask yourself and help trigger a more open neutral state as you go through your day.