Tag: HeartMath
Creating a Happy Healthy Heart
Healthy Heart Connection For centuries the heart has been connected with the emotions of love, gratitude and compassion. It has also been associated with courage, wisdom and spirituality. Research in the field of neurocardiology has found that not only are these feeling states experienced by the heart, but they also have a very stabilizing and…
How do Gratitude and Appreciation Affect Your Energy Field?
Akin to gratitude is appreciation, a quality often used in the HeartMath materials to speak about the feeling that generates positive shifts in physiology. [caption id="attachment_13287" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Love Conquers All?
Is it true that Love conquers all? Maybe not in the context of our usual understanding, but research such as that being done at the Institute of HeartMath (www.heartmath.org) is clearly showing that feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude have demonstrable effects on our physiology, relationships and well being.