Tag: Health

  • Self Care Tip: Creating a Base of Love, Safety and Security

    Self Care Tip: Creating a Base of Love, Safety and Security

    Self Care Tip: Personal energy is a basis and a means for a strong basis for love, security and safety Understanding how subtle energy moves within us and in our relationships provides a strong foundation for self care. That understanding opens up options for taking our power back and managing it in a way that…

  • Positivity: 4 Questions for stressful times

    Positivity: 4 Questions for stressful times

    Positivity during difficult times?  It can seem impossible to shift to positivity when so much around us is dark, gloomy, chaotic or falling apart. Asking the right questions can help us shift our mind set from negative to health enhancing even in difficult times. Many people have commented to me that they find it hard…

  • Here Is A Method for Anti Aging, a Healthy Heart and Improved Immunity

    Here Is A Method for Anti Aging, a Healthy Heart and Improved Immunity

    Science and a Healthy Heart We now have a variety of simple, easy to use methods that contribute to a healthy heart, thanks to the fields of Neurocardiology, Psychoimmunology (Mind-Body) and Energy Psychology. The InstituteofHeartMath, a research institute in Boulder Creek,CA, has been a major contributor to this research and has helped to provide a…

  • Healing Grief: Self Care is Critical in Stressful Times

    The times continue to be turbulent and difficult with awareness of the need for growth, change and transformation of ourselves and our world highlighted again and again. No matter where difficult feelings and stresses originate, we can all contribute to the larger picture, to our shared and connected future by beginning in our own corner…

  • How is Heart Energy Connected to Boredom and Depression?

    How is Heart Energy Connected to Boredom and Depression?

    Heart Energy and Emotion We often think about our brain malfunctioning when we do not feel alive, happy and connected to life and living. It is our heart however that really connects us with life and generates the energy of the feel good feelings. Diminished flow of energy through the heart puts us at risk…

  • Is Resistance Keeping You in Pain?

    Resistance is normal…human even. If we had no resistance to anything we would be in big trouble! Resistance can save us from danger. However this protective mechanism is often overworked keeping us stuck in patterns and places we do not want to be! Our energy field offers us clues about our resistance as well as…