Tag: Health
Why it is Important to Understand Your Stress Symptoms
Stress symptoms do not always present as you might think. We all have our own weak spots when stressed whether it is muscle tension, increased emotionalism, sleep or food issues.However there are more subtle stress symptoms that are important to recognize in yourself or in others. As the holidays approach and the whirl of preparation…
Self Care Skill:Tip for Letting Go of Irritability and Anger
3 Steps to Mental and Emotional Freedom
Caregiver Stress: An Energy Crisis?
Caring for others, be it an elderly parent, a relative, a child, or a friend, is one of the highest forms of human service. However, altruism aside, caring for others often means that you put their needs before your own. You set aside your desires and wishes for another day, a day when you’ll have…
How You can use Positive Emotions to Shift Negative Patterns
Feeling Gratitude Produces Healthy Heart Rhythm, More Positive Emotions, Perceptions and Actions
How can you use affirmations successfully for change?
Affirmations are a common technique used to try to create change. Before using them however, there are some things to consider in order for your efforts to be successful.
Inspiration: Are Gratitude and Realistic Positivity the Secrets to Longevity?
Gratitude and Realistic Positivity: Secrets to Longevity