Tag: Health
Change and New Year Resolutions: Fast or Slow? Stress-less Change
One of the greatest myths about facing our challenges, in my opinion, is that we should have all we need to cope immediately, or that there is something wrong with us if we cannot rise to challenging circumstances with grit and grace NOW!
Grief: A Major Hidden Obstacle for New Years’ Resolutions
There are many reasons for change to be difficult, but today I would like to focus on one that most of [caption id="attachment_10958" align="alignleft" width="360"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Cultivating Inner Peace and Balance in the New Year
As we shift our awareness, we open ourselves to new ideas, ways of being and operating in our lives that enable us to become a greater source of healing, comfort, success, strength and love in the world. Demonstrating
Christmas Stress: How to Eliminate A Hidden Cause
Christmas stress with feelings of overwhelm, anger, and conflict can escalate during this time of year interfering with our relationships and capacity to enjoy the season. Christmas Stress Magnified In addition to our own stress, during the holiday season we may become more acutely aware of the struggles that others are facing. This can add…
6 Secrets to Reduce Holiday Stress and Maintain Energy
[caption id="attachment_10727" align="alignleft" width="200"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] The tips below will help you keep stress at bay as well as help to build healthy energy to be able to enjoy your holidays.